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Seafood Is Brain Food: Seafood & Mental Health

Seafood Is Brain Food: Seafood & Mental Health

As much of the country has been under shelter in place orders for nearly 2 months, I’m sure quarantine and social distancing have made us all a little stir crazy. During these trying times, it’s important not to lose sight of the most important things like your physical and mental health. If you're working from home or cooped up in the house all day going outside for a nice jog, walk, or just to get some fresh air has likely become an essential part of your daily routine. Getting your daily exercise needs is important but also don’t forget to exercise the strongest muscle of them all, your brain. 

Not being able to visit friends or family, and watching how Covid-19 has impacted so many families, can take a toll on anybody. Many of us have turned to learning a new skill, reading books, taking online courses, or starting a side business as a way to keep your mind sharp and to stay busy during quarantine. 

The skills you decide to learn and the knowledge you pick up are just as important as the food you decide to eat during quarantine. Many of use have become 5-star chefs overnight out of necessity, as home-cooked meals have been the standard and dining out and take-out has become a luxury. If you haven’t cooked yourself a delicious seafood meal yet, we’re about to give you every reason why you should. Not only is seafood a healthy meal option when your daily activities are limited but seafood is also known to be essential brain food that can improve your mental health and wellness.

Maintaining your mental health during Covid-19 is essential and your diet can play a major role in keeping you mentally fit. A seafood-rich diet has been known to improve your overall health due to its nutritional benefits such as low fat, high protein, and natural vitamin content. However, a seafood-rich diet has also been credited with reducing stress, anxiety, depression.

Research has shown that a regular diet of seafood, rich in omega 3 fish fatty acids can reduce depression in young adults by 20%. The omega 3 fatty acid in fish has also been shown to reduce migraine headaches which are often symptoms of stress and anxiety.

Seafood is without a doubt one of the most beneficial things you can add to your diet especially given the current circumstance. The natural supplements and vitamins found in seafood are like vitamins for your brain and the protein to fat ratio will fuel your caloric needs.

If you're looking for fresh seafood online check out the amazing selection of fresh seafood from Pure Food Fish Market and get local fresh seafood delivered straight to your doorstep within 24 hours.


1. World Health Organization. Depression and other common mental disorders: Global health estimates. Geneva, Switzerland. 2017.
2. Brody DJ, Pratt LA, Hughes J. Prevalence of depression among adults aged 20 and over: United States, 2013-2016. NCHS Data Brief, no 303. National Center for Health Statistics. 2018.
3. Grosso G, et al. Dietary n-3 PUFA, fish consumption and depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. J Affect Disord, 2016;205:269-281.
4. Li F, Liu X, Zhang D. Fish consumption and risk of depression: A meta-analysis. J Epidemiol Comm Health, 2016;70(3):299-304.
5. Sanchez-Villegas A, Henriquez P, et al. Long chain omega-3 fatty acids intake, fish consumption and mental disorders in the SUN cohort study. Eur J Nutr, 2007;46(6):337-346.
6. Freeman MP, et al. Omega-3 fatty acids: Evidence basis for treatment and future research in psychiatry. J Clin Psychiatry, 2006;67:1954-1967.

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